She would use a microphone. A joystick and mouse are two answers we could eliminate immediately. Seeing as she is an aspiring lyricist means she is in the music industry, so she wold need to use a microphone to be able to record.
The answer is d. full-duplex transmission. This communication setup allows for simultaneous transmit and receive for both parties. As signals are able to be transmitted at the same time two way for both parties, for both directions along the same data carrier medium.
D. Point out the negative consequences of the behavior, so they see that the negative aspects do outweigh the positive aspects
<h2>A negative impact.</h2>
The unemployed are also unable to purchase as many goods, so will contribute to lower spending and lower output. A rise in unemployment can cause a negative multiplier effect.
The choices are a) credible website B)search log c) Boolean operator d) online database.
The answer is, d. Online database. There are already numerous online digital tools that can aid research. Examples are readcube, mendeley, google scholar. It helps you save and organize researches as well as automatically give bibliographies according to your need like APA and MLA. These tools can hold and save different information that researchers need.