hey idk but i have a question for you if you dont mind
B - It can leave the reader unsatisfied
An anticlimax is a disappointing (or unsatifying) ending to an otherwise exciting series of events. Example: think of an action movie that just ends without wrapping up the loose ends or leaves too many unanswered questions.
Getting questions correct.
Asking questions in class.
Answering questions.
That’s type of stuff
Joshua, also spelled Josue, Hebrew Yehoshua (“Yahweh is deliverance”), the leader of the Israelite tribes after the death of Moses, who conquered Canaan and distributed its lands to the 12 tribes. His story is told in the Old Testament Book of Joshua. Book of Exodus and Quran as the lawgiver who met God face-to-face on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments after leading his people, the Hebrews, out of bondage in Egypt and to the "promised land" of Canaan