When exercising you should take in deep breaths, to make sure you that you won't get chest pain. Believe in numbers when exercising. Do reps, for example squats do 15 next time do 25 the next do 30 then 45 and so on. start slow don't go to fast or your muscles will tighten. relax and after do some stretching. Drink water when exercising take little breaks during those times you may drink water then get back into exercising. You also need to replenish, so eat a salad or eat chicken breast with brown rice and spinach. (Remember to cook the chicken breast though, there might be some good recipes with chicken breast to help you out) Hopefully this helped you in some ways.
Explanation:because it just is
e. decision making because a means that you have not reached a conclusion, be is more of "i only have so much" type of answer, c does not make sense, and definitely not d.
1. Expressing their honest feelings with one another and also talking to them when something is going on or they are doing something that bothers them. Also working through everything. 2. You work through the problems and talk to each other about it. 3. You just trust the person