I think it is receptors that in this case monitor head position and eyes in any direction or the trailing of the eyes slowly in one direction , following by their rapid.
The political issues raised by the new settlers became the dominant topic ... Foreigners seeking land in Texas could negotiate individually, but the ... The Americans, who were settled in the eastern part of the province, ... foresaw the realization of their ambitious plan to develop the region. ..... Exclusive offer: ...
Feudalismo: Un sistema político y económico de Europa desde el siglo IX hasta aproximadamente el siglo XV basado en la tenencia de todas las tierras en feudo o tarifa y la relación resultante de señor a vasallo y caracterizado por el homenaje, el servicio legal y militar de los inquilinos y la confiscación. ... Los vasallos estaban en una clase algo más alta que los campesinos.
They were called plantations.