Sonnet is a form of poetic form which has 14 lines in it where rhyme scheme plays an important role.
A sonnet is a poetic form which was started at the Court of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in Palermo, Sicily. The thirteenth century artist and public accountant Giacomo da Lentini is credited with the piece's development and the Sicilian School of artists who encompassed him is credited with its spread.
The word Sonnet is gotten from the Italian word "sonetto," which implies a "little tune" or little verse. In verse, a work has 14 lines, and is written in measured rhyming. Each line has 10 syllables. ... For the most part, works are separated into various gatherings dependent on the rhyme plot they follow.
The section gives the good side of celebrating mother's day and the bad side of having mother's day.
A picture of all the fruits and vegetables that have a lot of vitamin
At a glance, the person reading the article can pick out one or two things he needs to consume to get vitamin c
We are being asked to declare a variable, thus, we can use "PrintWriter" that is suitable for referring to an object that provides methods for writing to a text file.
On how to use it, we can define it such as
Output.printIn ="hi";
Habit is a regular tendency or practice that humans do. They adopt a habit or used to a habit because custom in our society, the way many people do certain actions or performances. Hence, habit is closely related to custom in way transition is related to volta. Vlota is an Italian word which means to turn the idea or argument. In Petrarchan sonnet, transition occurs between octave and sestet.