Matching is as shown below:
1. pronoun with no specific antecedent - indefinite pronoun
2. determined by function - case
3. consistency between subject and verb or pronoun and antecedent - agreement
4. subject case - nominative
5. clarifies or renames preceding noun - appositive
6. clause with implied subject or verb - elliptical clause
7. adjective phrase without word to modify - dangling construction
8. points out which one - demonstrative pronoun
9. two-word pronoun - reciprocal pronoun
The dagger is given "human qualities," therefore this would be Personification.
<u>he thought it was normal.</u>
Humans have the ability to reason
General Zaroff thinks that men are most challenging and different from animals because men have the ability to reason.
The Most Dangerous Game is a short story published by Richard Connell.
Rainsford justifies his hunting of animals by believing that humans is superior to animals because animals do not feel but General Zaroff has a contradicting believe that humans are superior because they are able to reason.
General Zaroff explains why humans are the most interesting game to hunt. Humans can reason and this provide a challenge that no animal can compete with.
Focus your attention. You don't want to be on your phone or watching tv while someone is talking to you.