Story #1:
Mr. Jacks and Kate examine each other, (Mr. Jacks has dark brown hair, and he's wearing a green shirt with blue jeans. He's also wearing black boots. Kate is wearing a dirty red dress and purple shoes, not to mention, Kate is really tall for her age, being 15 years old and 6 ft 1 makes the situation even harder. Before the force fields came, Mr. Jacks and Kate were at their school dance), and their new surroundings until Kate breaks the silence. They examine it's around 7:50 at night, and theirs a full moon in the night sky.
“Where do you think we are?” says Kate.
“ I believe we're in Philadelphia, why do you ask?” replies Mr. Jacks.
“ Just, curious,” Kate says with a long pause. “ Did you bring any supplies with you, I haven't eaten anything today,” says Kate.
“ Shoot, I forgot to bring supplies, all I have is this pack of goldfish”, replies Mr. Jacks. Mr. Jacks shoves his hand in his pocket and takes out a bag of an open pack of goldfish.
Kate takes the bag, smells it, and sees an expiration dated two months ago. She puts it back in Mr. Jacks's pocket.“ I guess that will have to do, since we can't go back and get some, due to you breaking the mirror...” says Kate.
“ Yeah, I'm sorry about that, and it wouldn't do us any good to go back, the others would want to come, and then we'll have an even bigger prob---” Mr. Jacks is interrupted by the closing of a distant force field along with the closing of a tiny hole that could fit a small child in their own force field.
“ I have an idea... We never needed mirrors to escape the force fields, they open and close small holes, possibly every night! We just need to figure out when they close every night and use that pattern to our advantage. Then we can find my family and save the others!” Kate says excitedly.
“That's a great idea!” Exclaims Mr. Jacks.
Mr. Jacks' bulldog, Max, suddenly barks out of excitement. Mr. Jacks and Kate both frantically look at each other and nod. They start walking north where the nearest force field is located.
“ Can we stop? I really need food and water, and a little break.” Kate whines. Kate and Mr. Jacks stop for a minute and start walking again.
“ If we just walk a little more, we could have enough luck to run into people, or even a CVS.” Mr. Jack responds. “Let's just keep going until we find some---” Kate interrupts Mr. Jacks.
“ Did you hear that? It sounds like... like people.” Kate whispers. “ And I see, it looks like a building in the distance!”
“ Shh, I'm trying to listen,” Mr. Jacks whispers back. Mr. Jacks and Kate both close their mouths and open their ears, and they hear and see movement in the bushes in front of them. “ Who's there?” “ Come out! We mean no harm!” Exclaims Mr. Jacks.
“Psh, no duh, I mean look at you.” A girl about six feet tall comes out of the bushes. She looks like she's about fourteen or fifteen years old. A boy about the same height and age is right behind her.
“Olivia! What did we say about popping out of bushes like that?” The boy says.
Come on Derrick, stop trying to make a good impression on Ms. prom queen over there.” says Olivia with an attitude. Kate assumes Olivia is talking about her because of her prom dress, and Kate suddenly starts blushing, and Derrick looks at Kate and gives her a nervous smile. Kate gives a sweet smile back.
“ Hi, my name is Kate and this is Mr. Jacks and his bulldog. We're on our way to that building over there, and we've been walking for about two hours until we ran into you both,” Kate explains. Kate points to the building and Olivia and Derrick both take a quick look over there.
“ My name is Derrick, and this is my sister Olivia, we came from that force field over there, and we recently discovered tiny holes in the force fields open and close, likely every night. We've been trying to find a pattern to the opening and closing of force fields, but my sister here broke our last mirror. So, we both decided to explore and find food for the families in our force field,” Derrick explains. Derrick takes a big breath of air after he finished explaining.
That's all Brainly allows me to type.
I hope this helps :)