Ahmed is a social activist. He organized demonstrations and other forms of civil disobedience in California against fur dealers
because he firmly believes that it is wrong to kill animals for their fur. According to Kohlberg, Ahmed is in which stage of postconventional level of moral development?
There are 6 stages of moral development which are divided into three levels. The first level is the pre-conventional level, the second is a conventional level, and the third level is the post-conventional level.
In post-conventional level people thinks about laws that are unjust and make their own ethical laws and principle which can include basis right like right for life, liberty, justice.
In stage 6 people use universal ethical principle which is a nonaggression principle which tells that murder of any person, animal is very unethical. So here Ahmed is in the 6th stage of post-conventional level of moral development because he thinks killing of animals for fur is wrong.
The main reason why ssuch standardized tests such as the Quality Ratnig and Improvement System (QRIS) is being used is because it helps in improving and standardizing the quality of care in all facilities in the state. Through this, people can leave feedback and help improve and standardize healthcare overall.