John Locke was an English philosopher, father of liberalism and of the first empiricist on the British Island. Rousseau was a French philosopher who believed that people should return to nature, as modern culture is totally neglecting it. Newton was a philosopher and scientist who among first introduced some scientific ideas that changed people's awareness of the world that surrounds them. Montesquieu focused his attention on political theories, believing that moral should be in our focus. Mather was a famous scientist from the colonies who left the greatest imprint with his work on promotion of inoculation for disease prevention
It is interesting to stress that Locke's writing influenced many other philosopher, including Rousseau. Rousseau is probably the most famous philosopher of this period. Newton's laws are being studied in every single school across the world. Montesquieu ideas influenced Age of Revolution. Mather is also known because of his involvement in the Salem Witch Trial.
I believe that before the invention of the movable type for a printing press books and pamphlets were copied to be copied by hand because I surely doubt they had printers and the printing press made books as well as some other things such as the written materials that were affordable so even more people learned to read.
The start of Civil Wars and Mali's decline was due to struggles over the line of succession, essentially the <span>ordered sequence the people eligible to succeed to the throne if the leader were to be dethroned, die, etc.</span>
Transportation: easier to travel especially is different weather conditions and distances Medicine and biology: in biology you learn about living things and bacteria which helps with making vaccines