it introduced many new goods, and in an even larger quantity.
Although Judaism is one of the largest religions in the world it is considerably smaller than other religions in terms of adherents. ... Due to cultural and religious beliefs, those of the Jewish faith can have a different view than you on a number of ideologies such as food, holidays, general beliefs and more
In the book ii ch 4 p88, confucius outlines a life devoted to learning and the pursuit of jen. it shows that attaining the status of the gentleman or superior man is a life long pursuit achieve only through a sincere devotion to self cultivation. is also demonstrates that if such devotion is carried out, one can follow his or her heart's desire without concern for moral quandaries.
The right to vote in public, political elections (although the word is sometimes used for any right to vote) is suffrage, political franchise or simply franchise. ... Full suffrage is sometimes called a combination of active and passive suffrage. For members, suffrage is also formulated in terms of elections.
is pursuit of gold
normally that would say pursuit of happyness