syntax error: a syntax error is an error in the syntax of a sequence of characters or tokens that is intended to be written in compile-time. A program will not compile until all syntax errors are corrected.
logic error: logic error is a bug in a program that causes it to operate incorrectly, but not to terminate abnormally. A logic error produces unintended or undesired output or other behaviour, although it may not immediately be recognized as such.
Write out your birthday in the following format: M/DD/YY. For example, if your birthday is on June 11, 2013, it would be written as 6/11/13.
2. Convert the birthday date to binary format. Using our same example from above, 6/11/13 translated into binary code would be: 110/1011/1101.
3. Select one color of bead to represent “0”, a second color to represent “1” and then the third color to represent a space (/) between the numbers.
4. Layout the beads to represent your birthdate in binary code. Don’t forget the third color for the spaces in between the numbers!
5. Once laid out, string all the beads on to the string or pipe cleaner.
6. Tie a knot around the ends and enjoy your one-of-a kind masterpiece as a piece of jewelry or a bag tag….the options are endless!
translation is used for interpretation
The data life cycle is the sequence of stages that a particular unit of data goes through from its initial generation or capture to its eventual archival and/or deletion at the end of its useful life. Although specifics vary, data management experts often identify six or more stages in the data life cycle.