The success of the cotton gin led to increased production of short-staple cotton throughout the South. In Texas, Austin offered land bounties to colonists willing to grow cotton and to blacksmiths and carpenters willing to build cotton gins. As early as 1825 primitive gin manufacturing took place near San Augustine.
It is important to know there are good and bad bacteria because we can assume that all bacteria is either bad or good, this way know there are both could help us understand in the future what to look out for.
The correct answers are:
1. They married royalty from other powerful lands
2. They threatened their rivals with war
In Northern Europe, like many parts of the world, marriages among different Kings and Empires was a common way to develop powerful alliances against a common foe.
More powerful than simple treaties, developing family relations would help to cement relationships and long-term stability of two empire.
However, in order to gain power, it was also common for Kings and Queens to threaten war. This was usually done to gain more land and increase power and taxation revenue.
If you had voted for Andrew Jackson for the Presidency during this time, it is likely that you were a "common person," such as a farmer, since this was the demographic that Jackson tried to appeal to.