Existing business with a proven record. When you ask for investments, the lending institution will most definitely ask for your financial track record. They would want to know if you are a good paymaster because they will need the assurance that you can pay them back. Even if you have a really original idea and want to start a new business, there will still be some reservation if you have no track record because the lenders do not know if you are trustworthy or not. Unlike if you already have a proven record that you are a good paymaster, then you at least have proof that you can pay back.
I can't give you an exact number but he has companies in hotels, casinos, real estate, golf courses,<span>Controversy Hitting Brand Power, CNN says he has 144 in total businesses</span>
Excluding discouraged workers from the official unemployment rate may cause the official rate to Understate the true extent of underemployment.
What happens when they are reclassified as discouraged workers?
- The measured unemployment rate will decrease if unemployed people give up.
- When this occurs, the measured unemployment rate will momentarily increase. They will once more be listed as unemployed, which is why.
- Because there are no discouraged employees in the labor market actively looking for a job, the labor force participation rate would fall if employed people were reclassified as discouraged workers.
(1) official unemployment rate= unemployed/(employed + unemployed)
= 6197000 / 155604000 + 6197000 * 100
= 3.83%
(2) U-4 unemployment rate= (unemployed +discouraged) /(employed +unemployed+ discouraged)
=6197000+ 434000 / 155604000+ 6197000 + 434000 * 100
= 4.09%
Excluding discouraged workers from the official unemployment rate may cause the official rate to Understate the true extent of underemployment.
To learn more about the unemployed, refer to:
Mortality pattern affects population growth rates because a high mortality rate will offset the population-growth effects of a high birthrate. It is important to remember that mortality patterns often disproportionately affect different groups. If the mortality rate were atypically high among fertile-age women, this would have an even more powerful impact on population growth.
Age distribution is also important to growth rate because it describes what percentage of the population is at a child producing age. An age distribution that is weighed toward elder people can expect a lower future growth rate than a young-slanted age distribution, since a larger portion of the young population will likely have babies in the future.
There is an explanation of why the social media is so important today in the terms of communication regarding the marketing strategy in the companies below.
To begin with, nowadays the with the use of internet and more importantly the social media the companies have to adapt their strategy of communication according to the marketing theory in order to reach to the target audience who are the ones that will provide them with all of their primary profits when they sell. So that is why that social media has become one of the base aspects in which the company has to develop itself and try to to get better at it so that they could approach the consumers with that media of communication that is truly quite effective with the young consumers in the present time. Therefore that the social media reflects the most of the proper communication with the younger consumers nowadays, because it is a fundamental use of every day life for them.