Some topics are general and are regarded as 'classical' because they are always relevant across time periods through being relatable even as time progresses. For example, topics or themes about politics and satire would still prevail until now. Other topics or themes (such as viral videos) are only for that particular event and do not always occur, thus they do not prevail in the long run.
d.The poet compares his students to unruly hounds to illustrate the difficulties of teaching.
Throughout the poem, the class is being compared to a pack of unruly hounds. The teacher is showing that he has been trying to teach the children but it is late and they are itching to get away. This is shown when they are described as tugging on the leash and straining apart. The speaker says that he cannot drive them on another hunt towards something they are not interested in. He is basically giving up on trying to get them to learn anything new.