The owl would have the least amount of energy from the producer. The higher the organism is on the food pyramid, the less energy it will receive from the producer. For example, if grass is a producer, it has the most energy. Then, if a bunny eats the grass, it takes a part of the grass’s energy but does not take all of the energy. Then, a wolf eats the bunny. The wolf gets a part of the bunny’s energy but not all. The wolf has received the least amount of energy from the grass.
A - Stigma
B - Anther
C - Filament
D - Style
E - Ovary
F - Petal
The above are the correct answers of the image drawn in the attachment.
These are parts of a flower.
A - Stigma: It is the head of the pistil. It contains a sticky substance that catches pollen grains from other pollinators.
B - Anther: This is the head of the stamen. It produces pollen grain.
C - Filament: It is a long slender part of the flower. It attaches the anther to the flower.
D - Style: It actually holds the stigma.
E - Ovary: It holds the ovule. Found at the base of the pistil.
F - Petal: It attracts pollinators to the flower.
The smallest functional unit of the kidney that can perform all the functions is called the Nephron.
The spiders that survived the first pesticide spraying were resistant to the pesticide and when they reproduced most of their offsprings got the gene of pesticide resistance.
Sun which produces sunlight