Depression that repeatedly occurs with the onset of autumn and winter is to seasonal affective disorder as chronic, low -grade depression is to dysthymic disorder. Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that is related to changes in seasons such that it begins and ends at about the same times every year. Dysthymic disorder is a smoldering mood disturbance characterized by a long duration as well as transient periods of normal blood.
Air is essential for all organisms
Plants absorbs inorganic ions such as carbon dioxide by the process of gas exchange and water by the process of osmosis which converts into glucose and oxygen in the presense of sunlight and chlorophyll.Light is absorbed by the chlorophlasts present in green leaves.
<em>The labels <u>I-VII</u> represent the different stages of primary succession. I-bare rocks, II-pioneers (mosses, lichen, algae, fungi), III-annual herbaceous plants, IV-perennial herbaceous plants and grasses, V-shrubs, VI-shade intolerant trees, VII-shade tolerant trees.</em>