C: Oregon became the first state west of the Rocky Mountains due to its rapid increase in population during the mid-1800s.
FALSE. Madison and Hamilton were Federalists, which means they wanted the new US Constitution to be aproved. Both of them, along with John Jay, wrote 85 essays tittled "The Federalists Papers" defending the constitution. (Hamilton wrote 51, Madison wrote 29, and Jay wrote 5)
In his farewell address, President George Washington warn against becoming overly involved with foreign politics.
In his Farewell Address, Washington warned against foreign influence in domestic affairs and US interference in European affairs. He warned against bitter partisanship in domestic politics and urged men to go beyond partisanship and serve the common good. He warned against "permanent alliances with any part of the outside world," and said the United States should focus primarily on American interests. He advised friendship and trade with all nations, but cautioned against participating in European wars and entering into long-term "entanglements" of alliances.
The Farewell Address quickly established the values of America regarding religion and foreign affairs.