Plants converts solar energy into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis . The electron and proton from the water molecules are used to produce energy transport molecules i.e ATP and NADPH, in the light reaction phase of photosynthesis. The energy of the sun excites the chlorophyll molecule which in turn release high energy electron. The energy of ATP and NADPH is further used to fix the carbon in the Kelvin cycle.
The 3'-end of the reverse primer (3'-TTGGCCAATGG---5') is complementary to the forward primer (5'---AACCGGTTACC-3') and thus reduces the ability of the primers to bind to the targeted DNA sequence. There is possibility of hairpin loop formation or primer dimmers formation
It is necessary to separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood separate in mammals and birds to maintain their body temperature. Also, if they both are mixed, the blood will get impure and it would be difficult for the heart to supply impure blood. We also can't live with impure blood so we most probably will die.
2. sodium ion that has lost an electron