Biotic mean alive, so we can cut off the first 2 easily. Aquatic birds eat frogs, so that one is safe for now. A decrease in something parasitic usually helps the population, so D is out too. The only one left is C.
Every time you eat a cookie or candy bar, your blood sugar increases. This triggers an increase in the hormone insulin. Insulin<span> is a hormone made by the pancreas which allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the food that you eat, or to store glucose for future use. </span>Insulin<span> helps keeps your blood sugar level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia).</span>
thin walls.
a moist inner surface.
a huge combined surface area.
<em>Amoeba </em>is an example of an E<span>ukaryote.