This can include acquiring land or regulating immigration.
Implied powers, on the other hand, are implied through the Constitution and can be debated. You can't look at inherent and implied powers without defining “expressed powers” too. These are the 17 powers that are clearly stated in the Constitution.
we can't answer if we can only see half of the question x
The colonists had become frustrated by Britain's levying of a series of taxes on them to get out of debt incurred during the French and Indian War. The colonists felt that taxation without representation was unfair. Things came to a head in Boston in 1773 when colonists dumped 340 chests of tea into Boston Harbor in protest of the Tea Act. In response, the British government passed the Intolerable Acts, which included the closing of Boston Harbor. At the First Continental Congress, held in 1774, the colonists united to oppose Britain. The British ordered troops to march on Concord in 1775 in search of an arsenal. The first shots of the war were fired on April 19, 1775.
D. NONE of these answers are correct
Stephen F. Austin was jailed in Mexico because of actions that were deemed traitorous because of a letter he wrote to the government on behalf of the colonists at Texas.
Austin wrote to the Texans and asked them to shelve plans for revolution
He made this speech to the Texans when he came back from prison,
“The revolution in Mexico is drawing to a close. The object is to change the form of government, destroy the federal constitution of 1824, and establish a central or consolidated government. The states are to be converted into provinces. Whether the people of Texas ought or ought not to agree to this change, and relinquish all or part of their constitutional and vested rights under the constitution of 1824, is a question of the most vital importance; one that calls for the deliberate consideration of the people”[5]