Because if they don't have the qualities the person thinks they need then they won't be able to handle the memories in a logical and mature way. It's like choosing your successor, you wouldn't want them to be unprepared or to give them what you have and watch them ruin everything you've built to get destroyed because you made a mistake on choosing the person. They need to have specific qualities to fulfill the checklist and see if they're capable of enduring the duties that come with everything. They need to follow the same footsteps you did and continue the tradition.
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Demolish or obliverate. demolish sounds better though
Kathy found her job as a lawyer, challenging and very rewarding.
Once there lived a thief who is orphan and robe things from house to survive. One day he went to a house to robe things over there. He noticed that the was quite and seems no one was inside it, so he bravely took a step inside. He packed all the things and ready to leave the house.
By the time he hears a cough sound from a room. He went and looked inside. There was an old man suffering from a severe cough and virus fever. He was living in that house alone. He went to him and saw him as that old man has fainted as he didn't have proper food as no one was there to take care of him.
The thief left the house but something stopped him as he feels for that old man and then he went to the kitchen to prepare a soup for him. Then he prepared a soup for him and made him drink and replaced all the things which he robed from that house and he took care of that old man until he gets recovered.
Fortune telling
The person that is speaking is guessing or just imagining the thing that he or she is talking about.