All the organisms of one kind in an ecosystem are called a population. For example, a pond ecosystem might have populations of frogs, waterlilies, insects, duckweed, and protists. Populations living and interacting with each other form a community.
Dendrite; axon; synapse
These are parts of the neuron which is considered as the basic unit of nervous system. The cell responsible for receiving sensory input from the external environment. The stimulus will be transported in an electrical signal via neuronal parts. Axon transmit signal to the other neuron. Dendrites are the receiving part of the neuron. Synapse is the space between each neuron where elctrical impulse is converted into a chemical signal via neurotransmitters.
Chicken nuggets and fries
It would certainly make a difference.
The mass of a planet determines how thick the planets atmosphere would be, if it can even sustain an atmosphere. If all the masses are the same, all of the large planets would not be able to sustain life, while all of the smaller, denser planets still have a chance.
The mass of a planet also affects it’s gravitational pull. If all of the planets had the same mass, they would all have the same gravitational pull, meaning that they would all attract the same amount of asteroids, meteors, and other spacial objects.
Overall, the simulation would certainly be different, for many, many reasons. The above are only two, and if you would like more, just add a comment and I can give you more.
That would be luster!
Hope this helped :)