What is the question. Let see if I can try
Human gene therapy has been attempted on somatic (body) cells for diseases such as cystic fibrosis, adenosine deaminase deficiency, familial hypercholesterolemia, cancer, and severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) syndrome
How can “good” and “bad” uses of gene therapy be distinguished?
Who decides which traits are normal and which constitute a disability or disorder?
Will the high costs of gene therapy make it available only to the wealthy?
Nosocomial infection-acquired in hospital or health card facility
Respiratory issues could link in with the climatic issue of air pollution
(1)They are usually multi-nucleated.
Cardiac muscles are one of the three muscles found in the human body (the other two being skeletal and smooth muscles). It is the only type of muscle found in the heart. Cardiac muscle cells have a single nucleus unlike the skeletal muscle cells.
They possess many large mitochondria in their cell, which enable them actively carry out the process of aerobic respiration. The cardiac muscles contains an enormous amount of myoglobin pigment, which enable them store and transport oxygen. Due to the high glucose in its cell, excess glucose is readily stored as Glycogen, making it rich in glucose.
Based on the explanation, being MULTI-NUCLEATED is not a feature of cardiac muscle fibers.