⇒ D. Blood sugar levels dropping after missing a meal
⇒ Words such as after, caused, because, and then signals response.
-Organizing the mitotic spindle in cell division
-A centriole is an organelle that helps cells divide, or make copies of themselves. Centrioles are only found in animal cells. All centrioles are made of protein strands called microtubules. Centrioles are made of nine triplets of microtubules arranged in a cylinder.
-The main purpose of a centrosome is to organize microtubules and provide structure for the cell, as well as work to pull chromatids apart during cell division.
The region of the brainstem that plays a role in arousing you to a state of alertness would be the reticular formation. It is responsible in regulating the sleep cycles and in detecting sensory conditions. It consists of more than 100 neural network that are for various functions.
The endoplasmic Reticulum is like an assembly line: The workers on the assembly line do their work, as the products move through the assembly line. Similar to the workers are the ribosomes on the reticulum, as they also do their work in a line. In the reticulum, like in a factory line, the proteins are produced, and like in the case of the facotry line, they are later sent to the other place in the factory or cell.