<span>The unique style that was utilized by Vivaldi in crafting his musical compositions and developing his own discerning sound, was the concept known as program music, which allows composers to provide an atmosphere and feeling to audiences without the need to visually represent it.</span>
They are examples of Modernism
<u>Modernism </u>is the philosophy and art style that was introduced in the Western countries around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Its central point is new types and forms of expression, experimentation in art, and revelation of individualism. In visual arts, it puts the accent on the symbolism, formalism, and modernity, often delving into the urban themes.
Painting <em>Nighthawks </em>by Edward Hopper is one of the most recognizable and famous art pieces of the modernism movement. <u>In this work, he inspects modern urban space.</u>
Stuart David does the same on his painting <em>House and Street,</em> although in a very different style.<u> David’s painting is much more vibrant and abstract, reminding us of collage. </u>
However, <u>both paintings are part of the same modernist movement, as they both were the key pieces for expressing new ideas, exploring new techniques and designs through the various forms and symbolism.</u>
Depicting inanimate object as animals is a common practice in andean art, which conveys an association between the object and the qualities that the animal embodies. and the textile would be woven for everything from yesterday clothing to ceremonial robes for religious and political elites.