Answer: my test says line graph soooo….
Explanation: if its what the test says
x=0; // assigning 0 to x if y equals 10.
x=1; // assigning 1 to x otherwise.
In the if statement i have used equal operator == which returns true if value to it's right is equal to value to it's left otherwise false.By using this operator checking value of y and if it is 10 assigning 0 to x and if it is false assigning 1 to x.
C. a registered Microsoft Account
because spreadsheet is used for calculation not for writing address
A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of a drop cap is usually two or more lines.
a superscript is a character(s) half the height of a standard character and printed higher than the rest of the text.
In word processing, the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number of blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right margins.