If you mean glue, then heres a list of what I can remember.
1.<span>Epoxy resins
2.</span><span>.Acrylic resin.
3. polyester resin</span>
ssume that,
Maximum “students” count can be 10.
*Driver Class*
*Solution class*
import java.util.*;
class Student {
private String name;
private int rollNo;
public String getName() {}
public void setName(String name) {}
public int getRollNo() {}
public void setRollNo(int rollNo) {}
class ClassRoom {
private int i;
private Student[] students;
public void addStudent(String name, int rollNo) {}
public Student[] getAllStudents() {}
Social networks are characterized by the immediacy of the content that users produce, and that same feature can be transferred to the online mapping of crises and conflicts.
Characteristics Crisis-Mapping:
- Real-time information processing.
- Immediacy;
- Visualization of the aggregated information can allow the detection of patterns that cause new analyzes to be undertaken or work hypothesis to verify.
- Continuity in the tasks, the maps record activity without interruption during the twenty-four hours of the day and seven days per week.
Flexibility in the protocols, since the tasks are distributed and evolve according to the dynamics (the crisis maps evolve with the crisis itself).
A range of position dependent colors