C. Capturing and forcing U.S. sailors into service on British ships. Recruitment by force. It was a practice that directly affected the U.S. and was even one of the causes of the War of 1812. The British navy consistently suffered manpower shortages due to the low pay and a lack of qualified seamen.
The adjective. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. It's how we know the woman was gorgeous or the sunset was glittering. (However, it's worth noting that while all adjectives are descriptive words, not all descriptive words are adjectives.) The best way to expand our adjectival knowledge is to pick up a book and read. In the meantime, let's prime the pump with this list of adjectives:
The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt on May 12, 1933 [1]. Among the law's goals were limiting crop production, reducing stock numbers, and refinancing mortgages with terms more favorab
judicial introduces laws.
I'm sorry that I don't have any other answers.
It changed stereotypes
In earlier days Africa was seen as a continent not as developed as the rest of the world, being nomads and scavenging for food. With learning about Mansa Musa it is clear that Africa had many developed civilizations. Mansa Musa was extremely rich and it showed how complex Mali already was compared to early Europeans thinking of Africa being uncivilized.