It’s substrate is the answer to your question
It is thought that life arose on earth around four billion years ago. The endosymbiotic theory states that some of the organelles in today's eukaryotic cells were once prokaryotic microbes.
Ive done this before light colored pepered moths decreased over time because the forest turned to a darker color so in natural selection it turned dark and the made it live longer
In order for cells to become whole organisms, they must divide and differentiate. Cells divide all the time. That means that just one cell, a fertilized egg, is able to become the trillions of cells that make up your body, just by dividing. Those trillions of cells are not all the same though.
Just a little while after you started out as a fertilized egg, your cells started performing specific tasks, even started to look different because of that. Differentiation means that one cell performs a different function than another cell, depending on where it is in your body.
Not sure if this will help.