He argued that mathematics could be used to measure and describe all motion in the universe.
B: He replaced the elected consuls and the Senate with an empire that could be inherited by members of the ruler's family.
An advantage is that it takes way less time to do it than to create a formal treaty since the President would not need consent from the congress for an executive agreement. A formal treaty can, however, last longer because it is more difficult to cancel, so if it's good, then it is also safer for it to be formal.
At first he professed no interest in the office, but by 1824 his boosters had rallied enough support to get him a nomination as well as a seat in the U.S. Senate
Besides timber Crete exported food, cypress wood, wine, currants, olive oil, wool, cloth, herbs, and purple dye. Its imports consisted of precious stones, copper (most likely from Cyprus), ivory, silver, gold, and other raw material. They also imported tin that was used in the production of bronze alloys.