The answer is the third sentence: "Finally take care to put away all your supplies and clean your workstation, so you are ready for your shift in the morning." because the word 'so' is a conjuction.
1 you have to keep you dogs on a lead when in the garden.
2 it looks like nobody used this room in years.
3 don't let me warn you agin.
4 we need to put the books back they did not tell us to take them home.
5 peter told me he was going to take the package later.
6 me and the employees are thinking about new rules.
Tertiary, if the newspaper was reporting, that’s a secondary source. With someone discussing a secondary source, that makes it a tertiary source.
The answer is B. expert authors, the websites you get information from need
to be afficial and have credibility.
hope this helps
The phrase modifies B, a message.