The New Deal helped improve the lives of the suffering people of the depression. The New Deal played an important role in the economic and social affairs of the nation.
Both were tall men for their times: Washington 6’3” and Lincoln 6’4.”
Both married women who were short. Mary Todd Lincoln and Martha Dandridge Washington were about five feet tall, and came up only to the chests of their husbands.
Both their wives came from prominent, wealthy families. At the time of their courtship, Washington's wife-to-be was said to be the richest widow in America.
Both fought in Indian wars.
Both were athletic—-excellent wrestlers and superb horsemen.
Both lacked formal schooling. Washington received none at all; he was tutored at home. Lincoln had about one year’s schooling.
Both were skilled frontiersmen.
Both became surveyors.
Both were inventive men of a scientific temperament. Lincoln got a patent for an invention to lift ships off shoals. Washington was an avid reader of agricultural manuals, and conducted a controlled experiment, planting various grains at the same depth in different soils. He also invented a plow that automatically dropped seeds in furrows.
2.George Washington was one of the driving forces behind the drafting of the Constitution. Meanwhile, Abraham Lincoln is credited with abolishing slavery. George Washington was born into a well-to-do family, and lived well throughout his life. On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln was born into a poor family.
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Querido August.
Recentemente fiquei sabendo da sua historia e me emocionei muito com a forma a qual você conseguiu superar todas as suas limitações e dificuldades e continuar sendo o garoto bondoso e gentil o qual ouvi falar.
Gostaria de dizer que você é uma grande inspiração para mim e que espero que um dia eu tenha toda a sua força e perspicacia. Espero que a vida só te traga coisas boas e que seja muito gentil com você daqui pra frente.
Atualmente, eu espero que você faça muitos amigos e que não rpecise mais realizar tantas cirurgias. Gostaria de um dia poder conversar com você pessoalmente, mas como não é possivel, gostaria que soubesse que você é muito especial, quer dizer, extraprdinário.
Sua amiga.