Usually you want your financial future to look amazing because you dont want to sit around broke and being a ward of the state do you?
it could effect you because you could have one of the best times of your life!! but in all jokes aside most substances are unsafe to use and or addictive, however is you use non addictive safe drugs like lsd or weed you should be fine however i dont recommend it considering its illegal.
I think that it is Lung cancer that is mainly caused by tobacco
This means that the red blood cells have less hemoglobin than what is normal. This causes the red blood cells to have a paler color as well as a smaller size.
This is true.
The food you eat supplies many types of macronutrients — carbohydrates, fats and proteins — which deliver the energy (or calories) your body needs to function. ... In addition, food is a source of water, Fiber and other essential substances.