All men are equal and independent. All people have inalienable rights. The outlining of jobs and limited power of government. Non-government organizations tend to have wider reach in helping minorities compared to government organization. Organization such as NAACP for example, provide services to help eliminate social injustices by giving free Job agencies and law-related help for minorities. Local government in colonial America was the seedbed of American constitutionalism—a simple fact insufficiently appreciated by those writing in American political theory. Evidence for neglect can be found simply by examining any book dealing with American constitutional history and noting the absence of references to colonial documents written by Americans. Rather, at best there will be brief references to Magna Carta, perhaps the English Constitution, and probably the Declaration of Independence. If the authors of these books discuss the source of American constitutional theory beyond these few documents, they will almost inevitably mention European thinkers, John Locke being prominent among them. It is the purpose of this volume to end such neglect and reverse such attitudes.
One of the actions that progressives took to help the poor is highlighting the poor living conditions and exposing corruption which helped inspire legislation at the state and federal level aimed at correcting these ills. They demanded social reforms through demanding for social change such as through journalists
for one the meaning of pan-Africanism is the principle or advocacy of the political union of all the indigenous inhabitants of Africa
also some text evidence is "Du Bois was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1909" there for d is wrong c isnt a really good answer its more basic so no an a is just wrong