Here's a solution in node.js. Can be easily transcribed to other languages:
var paint_per_sqf = 1/350;
var wall_area = 250.0;
var gallons_paint = wall_area * paint_per_sqf;
console.log(wall_area.toFixed(1) + " square feet wall will need:");
console.log(gallons_paint.toFixed(12) + " gallons of paint");
In studies of technology and innovation, it is common to distinguish between different levels of technology. A common distinction is between technologies as processes or products and technology systems. Another distinction is between technology s hardware, software and orgware; sometimes socioware is added as yet another layer or category. In he studies, the focus is usually on a particular technology, either a process technology or product
Ž echnology with product technology broadly de In studies of technology and innovation, it is
common to distinguish between different levels of technology. A common distinction is between technologies as processes or products and technology. Another distinction is between technology as hardware, software and orgware; sometimes socioware is added as yet another layer or category. In the studies, the focus is usually on a particular technology, either a process technology or product.
D. all the above
because doctor uses stethoscope to listen patients heart, he also used hammer to check patients reflexes and also doctor has to listen to the patient.
I would imagine car would still be the best means , it's tough to define without knowing where he lives and how much he travels