First, we will put a decimal point at the end of number 10250000000.
In order to write number 10250000000. in scientific notation we need to move the decimal point from its current location (black dot) to the new position (red dot).
So, we need to move decimal point 10 places to the right. This means that the power of 10 will be positive 10.
Now we have that the
<span>Number part = <span>1.0250000000 </span></span>( which can be written as 1.025 ) and
<span>In scientific notiation the number is noted as a number between 1 and 10 times 10 to whatever power is necessary to equal the original number so it needs to be 1.025 x 10^10 instead of 10.25.</span>
Angle 11 is the alternate exterior of angle 5 meaning there is only 1 angle that is alternate of angle 5. Step-by-step explanation: An exterior angle is an angle outside of the shape (hence ex meaning out).