Patrick Maloney drinks heavily when he arrives home. He is not as communicative as he usually is. This behavior foreshadows that he has some news for his wife, which she will not be happy to hear.
Foreshadowing is a literary device in which the author gives the readers certain clues about what will happen later in the story.
In "Lamb to the Slaughter", Patrick Maloney returns home and everything seems as usual, until he starts to drink a lot of alcohol. He barely talks to his wife, giving short answers to what Mary says. This behavior indicates that Patrick has certain news to share with his wife, and that he expects that she will not be happy when she hears it. He wants to leave his pregnant wife, and is aware that there is a difficult conversation in front of them.
Enrique, on his journey, went through many fearful situations. The resolution of the plot is that in the end he finally found his mother. The author's point of view was to tell you the story of one boy's journey so that we would have a better understanding of immigration. There were many human rights issues that took place. People were beaten, robbed, raped and had little food to eat. The author wanted people who read her nook to see what immigrants went through to find their family or just a better way to live.
The author is not only telling Enrique's story, but she has also included facts about immigration.
How about now?
B. to resolve a conflict
Option B is the correct answer because it shows the new state of Parvana. This tells us that something actually has happened before her hair started falling more and more.
This passage reveals what happened to her hair after her fell away. She began to feel differently. Her whole face brightened up.
This passage actually shows that a conflict is being resolve here. This brings the story to the conclusion.
Your gonna have to give us a summary of the selection because we don learn the same things you do. After you explain the summary maybe then we can help you with this question.
North Carolina residents want the government to fix existing roads first, before building new ones. They also favor improving rail services and buses to increase the number of public transportation users. But some citizens complain that governments are robbing Peter to pay Paul, shortchanging one area that needs transportation funds in order to contribute to another area.
Only use the important part