n stage 13, all four limb buds are present. In stage 13, the upper limb buds resemble flippers. In stage 23, the upper limb shows well-formed arm, elbow, wrist, and fingers. In stage 23, the lower limb shows well-formed toes, feet, and knees.
B.) classification
In biology, classification is a way to organize living things. In science generally, this could expand to include any type of object.
C. Reactant and product concentrations in the test tube are different from those in the cell.
Cells convert some of the energy from ATP hydrolysis in to different forms of energy other than heat. ATP energy does not always generate more heat. Many times, energy is used for different purposes.
b.Movement of phospholipids in the plasma membrane from one monolayer to the other requires the polar or charged head groupd to enter the hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer. This process requires a large positive change in free-energy, thus making this type of movement unlikely without an input of energy
The plasma membrane serves a protective function for the cell and is a selective membrane for particles entry