Sucrose is a sugar also known as a carbohydrate.
solid layer of the mantle below the lithosphere
A karyotype is the number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of an eukaryotic cell. Karyotypes also describe the chromosomes count of an organism and the appearance of these chromosomes under the microscope. Cell which lack cell cycle control are often cancerous cells and they look different under the microscope compared to the normal cells. Cancerous cells will look different under the microscope in term of number of chromosomes, size, length, positioning and general appearance.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Mitochondria.
Disulfide bonds are known as covalent bonds. They are formed by the oxidation of 2 cysteines and these bonds can provide stability to proteins. These bonds mainly formed in intermembrane space of mitochondria and cellular compartments outside the cytoplasm endoplasmic reticulum. Both of these organelles present in an oxidation state providing an atmosphere for disulfide bond formation.
Cytoplasm and Nuclei mostly exit in reducing state because of the existence of disulfide reductase which is reducing the disulfide bonds between the cysteine residue to thiolate state. So, the disulfide bond formation will not happen.
A. More Crop Rotation
*B. Reduced Biodiversity*
C. Reduced Soil Erosion
D. More Cash Crop