Lung cancer is very hard to treat and has usually already spread by the time it's discovered. This is because people who have symptoms usually hold off on seeing a doctor, thinking it is something else, or that it will go away. Early detection is extremely important in fighting this disease. Seeing a doctor right away with any signs like chronic cough, coughing up blood or any other concerns is paramount.
Drinking alcohol and driving is the greatest risk of driving fatalities
Because they get negative vibes from the other people who are negative
My dad is a construction worker and i'm around him a lot while he's working and I have asthma as well. It doesn't really effect me for about 2 hours then I need to take my inhaler
Answer: Calcium
The Vitamin D is an important vitamin and it is related with the element calcium in the body. The Vitamin D is responsible for the absoprtion of calcium in the body present in the food. In the deficiency or depletion of the Vitamin D in the body is likely to affect the calcium levels. The calcium is the main element present in the bones and the teeth. Calcium helps to build bones. In the condition which involves the depletion of Vitamin D levels the calcium levels will also deplete. This will result in conditions like oesteoporosis, rickets and other bone deformities.
Thus people in the northern climates receiving low sunlight, will likely to receive low Vitamin D and will likely to develop bone related problems due to low calcium levels.