Compound Medication
It is Compound Medication because in the inquiry it states " prescribed some pills" which means that there may be more than 2 pills being taken at the moment. Also it is also to create a medication tailored to the needs of an individual patient.
Doctors at the Emergency Clinic in Linz, Austria, were hopeful last night after they stitched a virus foot back together for 10 hours. The doctors think that the boy will be able to walk again. The boy was skiing when he lost control and hut a tree. Some people saw this and rushed to call for help.
What I would do is contact my superior and ask him/her what they would want me to . do. Whatever the superior says then I would have to obey so I don't get fired. If this happens on a daily bases at your job then I would start searching for another job. Once you have found another job that you might like then I would take that one and leave the other one. Or you could just tough it out and your superior will take notice and he/she might offer you a better position. Hopefully this helps.
i would say B ......................................................................................................