A fixed annuity is an insurance contract that pays a guaranteed rate of interest on the owner's contributions and later provides a guaranteed income
Explanation:A fixed annuity is an insurance contract that pays a guaranteed rate of interest on the owner's contributions and later provides a guaranteed income
school rules are similar to federal laws because they both (try) to restrict people from doing harmful or bad things. A typical American high school with out rules, or any consequences for breaking them would be anarchy. Kids could bully one another, fight each other, ruin school property with spray paint, fire, etc. They also might not do their homework, or school work in general. It depends on the kid with out rules. Some kids might go crazy, some kids might stay calm and collected.
The answer is arraignment
Judiciary Act 1801
The judiciary act of 1801 which was overturned by the Jeffersonian republicans were part of the politically-motivated attempt made by the federalists in the U.S congress and the administration of John Adams to fill the federal courts with federalists. Federal courts were used as political means to persecute those who criticized the actions of the federalists and a strong political opposition came into place by Thomas Jefferson, and his team helped in passing the Federal Judiciary act of 1801.
The number of Supreme Court judges was reduced from six to five by the act and the act also created six new federal circuit courts in different region of the United States of America.