Is it bit-depth maybe????
This is the SMTP or the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is the push protocol and is used to send the mail message. Whereas POP3 and IMAP are meant for retrieving the message. These are the three main types of protocols associated with mail services. And the correct answer here is certainly the SMTP.
b)void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
In the function definition you have to pass the tell the function which type of argument it is taking.In our case we are taking a variable co of Banana type passing it to the function named aNonclassFunction having no return type.
So the definition will be like this.
void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
c. are based on statistical data, measurement and metrics
Data driven process are process that are not based on intuition but rather are based on data. This data serves as evidence to back a decision that is to be taken. It therefore means that, whatever decision that will be taken, such a decision will be based on the data presented.
When one wants to express his or her feelings on each other