He can use following computer program to make the class room more interesting and effective:-
- 1. <u>Reference software</u> : This software help students to access the atlases and dictionaries.Teacher can include this software in research projects .
- 2. <u>Educational Games</u>: This types of software is very effective for younger children because it motivates them to learn.This software companies have combined gaming and education into one .
- 3. <u>Graphical software</u> : Student can use this software to create and changes images available on the internet itselfs .
If you have windows you have Windows Defender Installed already!!
Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer
A already assigned variable cannot be assigned twice You can make the variable change over to a new one or call a whole new one to assign one without a value or It might be possible to do v=n (v is variable and n is number / value)
The CIDDP concentrations are an extension and development on the knowledge and credentials of the standard CISS certification that improves employability and career advancement
The CISSP concentrations includes
Information System Security Architecture Professional which can be known as ISSAP
Information System Security Engineering Professional which can be known as ISSEP
Information System Security Management Professional which can be known as ISSMP.