Resource Market : <u>Sellers (households)</u> sell factors of production to <u>buyers (businesses)</u>, in return of factor incomes.
Product Market : <u>Sellers (businesses)</u> sell goods & services to <u>buyers (households)</u>, in return of price expenditure for goods & services.
Circular flow of Income is flow of payments & receipts for goods, services & factor services between sectors (firms & households) of economy.
Households sell factors of productions i.e land, labour, capital, entrepreneur to buyers businesses . They get factor incomes i.e rent, wages, interest, profit in return from them .
Businesses sell goods & services to buyers households. Households spend factor incomes earned from supplying production factors, in paying prices for those goods & services.
Product Market : Involves flow of factor services, final products & services - from households to firms, from firms to households respectively.
Money Market : Involves flow of monetary factor payments, prices expenditure- from firms to households, from households to firms respectively