A lot of voting locations are schools, recreation centers and the like. (I used to live in VA.)
The Arno River (C) is an important river located in the Tuscan Region of Italy and was an important geographic feature which helped Florence to become a trade center.
Algeria, Morocco
Most of France colonies were located in Algeria, Morocco which is in the continent of Africa, like you have stated.
Hope this helped!!
Have a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!
Since we don't have the video let's talk generally about what is plagiarism and how to avoid it. Remember to watch the video and improve the paragraph below.
Plagiarism is a form of intellectual stealing. It happens for example when someone steals another's way of organizing ideas in a text, that is when an entire paragraph or page is copied exactly or only a few words or phrases are different but the overall organization is the same.
To plagiarize is to pretend that someone's else ideas are yours. This can be done like the example above, when a part of a text is entirely reproduced exactly like the original or only with slight changes, or when a text is not copied at all but the idea it presents is not from the author's but someone else's.
Plagiarism can be done on purpose or because of a lack of skills. Many students plagiarize ideas because they haven't yet learned how to properly study and cite their sources for studying. When we are studying, all of our sources of information must be directly cited on the final texts, as must be the authors we read, and whose arguments we agree with and are using in our homework.