The answer is letter C
Systems used by many providers require customers to share bandwidth with neighbors
The correct answer for your question is true, Hope this helps
I hope I'm answering this correctly I'm not too smart about it so I hope that sounds right if you arewanting to start with a new sheet in excel do one of the following click the new sheet button on the screen. now if you want to insert a new worksheet in front of its system worksheet and then click Home>insert> insert sheet. also Excel gives you three worksheets in a workbook, you can add much more worksheets and of course other types of sheets examples are micro sheet or dialog sheet. then you can rename them or delete them. so you can give any work sheet any name you want. sheets are displayed by default but if you don't see them click options>adcanced> display for options for the worksheet> show sheet tabs.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ArraysKeyValue {
public static void main (String [] args) {
final int SIZE_LIST = 4;
int[] keysList = new int[SIZE_LIST];
int[] itemsList = new int[SIZE_LIST];
int i;
keysList[0] = 13;
keysList[1] = 47;
keysList[2] = 71;
keysList[3] = 59;
itemsList[0] = 12;
itemsList[1] = 36;
itemsList[2] = 72;
itemsList[3] = 54;
/* Your solution goes here */
for ( i = 0; i < SIZE_LIST; i++){
if (keysList[i]>50){
System.out.println(itemsList[i] + " "); } }
I will explain the whole program flow.
- There are two arrays here
- The first list (keysList) contains the following elements:
13 element at first position of the array (0th index)
47 element at second position of the array (1st index)
71 element at third position of the array (2nd index)
59 element at fourth position of the array (3rd index)
- The other list (itemsList) contains the following elements:
12 element at first position of the array (0th index)
36 element at second position of the array (1st index)
72 element at third position of the array (2nd index)
54 element at fourth position of the array (3rd index)
- The size of the array elements is fixed which is 4 and is stored in the variable SIZE_LIST.
- Then the loop starts. The loop contains a variable i which is initialized to 0. First it checks if the value of i is less than the size of the list. It is true as SIZE_LIST=4 and i=0.
- So the program control enters the body of the loop.
- In first iteration, IF condition checks if the i-th element of the keysList is greater than 50. As i=0 So the element at 0th index of the keysList is 13 which is not greater than 50 so the body of IF statement will not execute as the condition evaluates to false. The value of i increments by 1 so now i becomes 1.
- In next iteration loop again checks if the value of i is less than the size of the list which is true again so the body of the loop executes.
- IF condition checks if the i-th element of the keysList is greater than 50. As i=1 So the element at 1st index of the keysList is 47 which is not greater than 50 so the body of IF statement will not execute as the condition evaluates to false. The value of i is incremented by 1 so now i becomes 2.
- In next iteration loop again checks if the value of i is less than the size of the list which is true again as i= 2 which is less than SIZE_LIST so the body of the loop executes.
- IF condition checks if the i-th element of the keysList is greater than 50. As i=2 So the element at 2nd index of the keysList is 71 which is greater than 50 so the body of IF statement is executed as the condition evaluates to true. So in the body of the IF statement there is a print statement which prints the i-th element of the itemsList. As i = 2 so the value at the index 2 of the itemsList is displayed in the output which is 72. Next value of i is incremented by 1 so now i becomes 3.
- In next iteration loop again checks if the value of i is less than the size of the list which is true again as i= 3 which is less than SIZE_LIST so the body of the loop executes.
- IF condition checks if the i-th element of the keysList is greater than 50. As i=3 So the element at 3rd index of the keysList is 59 which is greater than 50 so the body of IF statement is executed as the condition evaluates to true. So in the body of the IF statement there is a print statement which prints the i-th element of the itemsList. As i = 3 so the value at the index 3 of the itemsList is displayed in the output which is 54. Next value of i is incremented by 1 so now i becomes 4.
- In next iteration loop again checks if the value of i is less than the size of the list which is now false as i=4 which is equal to the SIZE_LIST= 4. So the loop breaks.
- So the output of the above program is: