last one check it and the second one
She should join the Future Business Leaders of America–Phi Beta Lambda
CTSOs are Career and technical student organizations. These organizations are vocational and extracurricular groups based primarily in high schools, colleges and career technological centres, for students in Career and Technical Education. They are important parts of the high school and college programs.
The Future Business Leaders of America–Phi Beta Lambda prepares students to become community-minded business leaders. It provides opportunities to learn career skills and gain leadership experience.
Therefore Adele should pick this CTSO
<span>To the computer f, this answer is because when reading the statement I assume that there is no type of connection and / or communication between the computer a and c; therefore to be profitable the computer c should return the package sending it back to computer f.</span>
its okay. i mean like you have to do a bunch off stuff. andsomtimes it gets a little boring.
i am doing online school.