1. Nomads migrate according to climate conditions so they can feed their flock
2. Nomads don’t produce manufactured goods so they need to trade so they don’t live near settled people
3. Because they live close to nature and harsh conditions pastoralists is tougher than diamond plated differential calculus
4. Pastoral people tend to be more egalitarian
The conflict itself began due to land and politics, the area was British administered after WW-I, the British ended up siding with the Jews in the Balfour declaration and the Jewish State was set in 1948.
The conflict itself later on compounds due to religion, since many Jews see the area as a <u>promised land </u>for the Jews, whilst the area is also where prophet Mohammad established the first church/mosque, the Al-Aqsa mosque, right on top of the ancient Temple of Solomon, the Jewish King.
An advantage that George Washington had as the first President of the United States was that he was highly respected and had been elected unanimously.