When they don’t know the basic economic definitions. Just
like any subject, they need to know as well as understand the terms involved in
economics. Just like any other subjects,
economics has a variety of terms that they use and it is necessary to know them
and understand them for they play a big part in our society.
) Patriots were more likely than Loyalists to believe in the idea of consent of the governed.
The first thing you would understand is that Loyalists were called Loyalists because they supported the rules of Great Britain. If they supported staying as a colony, why would they have any will in the first place to "go to war" with Great Britain if they are contend with the status they hold during the time? The only group that wanted to go to war was the Patriot group, not the Loyalist group.
D. A transfer of foods between Europe and the Americas
I believe that they are the following:
1. Monarchs do not have absolute authority.
2. The monarchs must have parliament's consent to suspend laws, levy taxes, or maintain an army.
3. The monarch cannot interfere with parliamentary elections and debates.
4. The people have a right to petition the government and to have a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers.